Dometic Refrigerators
dometic refrigerators are the go-to fridges for millions of campervan and caravan owners worldwide. They are known for their quality & durability and offer a wide range of fridges for all types of mobile living situations. They’re also well known for being energy efficient & use little power when operating, a necessity for many people on the road.
Dometic’s refrigeration products come in a variety of sizes & styles, so there is bound to be one that fits perfectly into your vanlife. They also have a sleek, stylish design that fits into most van builds and can easily be hidden from view when not in use.
If you’re planning on camping a lot or are on the road for extended periods of time, it is recommended to give your Dometic fridge a chance to fully cool down to food-safe temperatures before leaving home. To do this, turn on the fridge the day before you’re heading out and let it run until it is cooled to the correct temperature. This will help prevent the fridge from working hard to keep up with the cooling needs when you’re away.
When you’re looking for a fridge that will be used in a situation where 120V AC power is unavailable, a Dometic 3-way absorption fridge is your best option. These fridges can operate on AC or propane and will continue to run even when you aren’t plugged in. They also are more efficient than a standard compressor fridge and can run off battery power for days, making them a great choice for those who enjoy boondocking or driving long distances. norcold rv ac units