How to Turn on Wi-Fi on an iPhone
Wi-Fi is one of the most important features on any smartphone, and if you’re having trouble connecting to it, it’s frustrating. But there’s a simple solution that can often fix it.
It’s called “Wi-Fi Assist,” and it was added by Apple in iOS 9 years ago to try to help you find a good network connection. But it’s been reported as causing issues for some users, especially older iPhones.
1. Go to Settings
If you’re having trouble connecting to your home or office Wi-Fi, the first thing you should do is to go to Settings on your iPhone. This is a surprisingly useful application that lets you make a variety of changes to the way your device works, such as changing your password or turning on location services for certain apps.
One of the most frequently used settings on an iPhone is Wi-Fi, so it’s important to know how to turn it on and off. To do this, simply open the Settings app on your device and tap Wi-Fi.
The next step is to select the network you want to connect to. This can be your home or office Wi-Fi, a public network, or any other wifi network you’ve connected to in the past.
Once you’ve selected a network, you can choose whether your phone will ask you for a password before joining. This option is useful if you need to use a network that’s secure, such as an airport or hotel.
You can also turn on “Auto Join” to let your iPhone connect to any Wi-Fi networks that it sees. This will allow you to quickly and easily switch between different wifi networks without having to manually type in the password each time.
However, you should note that you’ll lose any connections to other networks that are already established if you disable this feature. If you decide to do so, don’t forget to turn it back on later.
2. Tap Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi on an iPhone is a great way to connect to the internet, so it’s important to know how to use it. If your phone has a Wi-Fi connection, you can browse the web and download apps without using cellular data.
But sometimes your Wi-Fi connection doesn’t work right, or it stops working at all. Fortunately, there are several ways to fix these problems. First, you can try to reset your Wi-Fi settings. This resets all the network configurations, passwords, and cellular settings. It can help eliminate corrupted network configurations and get your broken W-Fi back online again.
Another option is to turn off Auto-Join. This will stop your iPhone from automatically connecting to a Wi-Fi network that you haven’t connected to in the past. This will save you from having to select a new network every time it’s within range, but it can be annoying.
To turn off Auto-Join, open the Settings app on your iPhone and tap Wi-Fi. In the list of networks, check if the one you’re trying to join is green and then toggle the Auto-Join setting to off.
You can also disable Data Roaming on your iPhone to limit your cellular data usage when you’re outside your home network’s range. This will protect your data plan from extra charges when you’re traveling.
3. Select the network you want to join
Your iPhone connects to the internet automatically from almost anywhere using either a cellular connection or a Wi-Fi network. Both connections use data, so they can add up if you’re using apps and web browsing heavily.
In addition, iOS uses a built-in Wi-Fi priority system to determine which networks are more important than others. This makes it easy to connect to the best Wi-Fi signal and avoid any interference from other networks.
Alternatively, you can manually prioritize which networks are most important by setting their priority in the Settings app on your Mac and then syncing them with your iPhone or iPad. Regardless of which method you choose, make sure you’re signed in with the same Apple ID on your devices and that iCloud Keychain is turned on.
If you’re not sure whether or not a particular network is secure, you can check its status in the Wi-Fi menu under Settings. If you see a red X, it means that the network isn’t secure.
You can also tap Auto-Join in the info screen to tell your iPhone to join the network whenever it’s possible. This ensures that you’ll always be connected to trusted networks and is particularly useful if you travel often.
While you’re in the Wi-Fi menu, tap the name of the network that you want to join and then enter the password if necessary. Your iPhone will then show a blue checkmark next to the network name and a connected Wi-Fi icon in the upper corner of the display.
4. Tap Join
If you want to connect your iPhone to the internet, you need to turn on wifi. This will allow you to surf the web and download apps to your device.
There are several ways to do this. One of the most common ways is to use a personal hotspot, which allows you to share your Wi-Fi connection with other devices. You can also join other public wifi networks.
When you’re ready to join a network, you can tap the ‘Join’ button on the top left corner of the screen. It is a small icon that will display the name of the network and its security type, which can be either secure or open. If you are joining a secure network, it will have a padlock symbol next to its name, and you’ll need to enter a password before it can be accessed.
Another way to get online is to connect to a nearby cellular tower. This will give you access to the internet while you’re away from Wi-Fi, saving you money on your monthly data plan.
The best thing about using a cellular signal is that it’s generally faster than a Wi-Fi connection. The downside is that you need to be near a cellular tower to use it, and it’s not always possible to find one close to you.
It’s also worth noting that the cellular signal will not show up in the wifi status bar, which means you can’t see your network speed. In addition, the cellular signal will not display in the app list or in the Control Center.